Restoring Gas Exchange Capacity with Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) Therapy


Restoring Gas Exchange Capacity with Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) Therapy


Restoring Gas Exchange Capacity with Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) Therapy

How can IPV therapy improve patient outcomes?

The IPV Therapy Clinical Evidence Brochure offers an overview of key clinical studies that highlight the efficacy and safety of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) therapy across diverse patient populations. This brochure provides healthcare professionals with an understanding of the clinical utility and benefits of IPV therapy as demonstrated in the available evidence.

Explore the research on:

  • Causes of reintubation like secretions and weak cough

  • IPV therapy’s ability to mobilize secretions — even deep in the lungs

  • How IPV therapy can help with limited expiratory flow

  • Using IPV therapy to combat atelectasis quickly

  • How IPV therapy supports better patient outcomes, including reducing length of stay and other key improvements

How can IPV therapy improve patient outcomes?

The IPV Therapy Clinical Evidence Brochure offers an overview of key clinical studies that highlight the efficacy and safety of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) therapy across diverse patient populations. This brochure provides healthcare professionals with an understanding of the clinical utility and benefits of IPV therapy as demonstrated in the available evidence.

Explore the research on:

  • Causes of reintubation like secretions and weak cough

  • IPV therapy’s ability to mobilize secretions — even deep in the lungs

  • How IPV therapy can help with limited expiratory flow

  • Using IPV therapy to combat atelectasis quickly

  • How IPV therapy supports better patient outcomes, including reducing length of stay and other key improvements