Transcutaneous Monitoring Solutions for Patients Across Care Settings
Transcutaneous Monitoring Solutions for Patients Across Care Settings
Transcutaneous Monitoring Solutions for Patients Across Care Settings
By Jason Rohrer, Sentec National Product Specialist
Sentec Transcutaneous CO2 Monitoring is ideal for a wide range of patients; from very low birth weight infants with extremely fragile skin in the NICU, to adults undergoing diagnostic sleep studies.
To ensure that all patients receive accurate and reliable CO2 monitoring, Sentec offers three attachment solutions for transcutaneous monitoring.
Whether your patients have fully-developed mature skin, or are premature infants with sensitive and fragile skin, Sentec has application solutions to fit their needs. Our most successful partners have found that having a supply of all solutions on hand is best practice for being able to quickly accommodate all skin types.
Sentec Application Solutions for Transcutaneous Monitoring
Multi-Site Attachment Ring for patients with mature and intact skin
The MARe-MI is a Multisite Attachment Ring for patients with mature and intact skin. This ring utilizes an acrylic adhesive and is suitable for monitoring adult, pediatric, and neonatal patients.
Multi-Site Attachment Ring for patients with sensitive and fragile skin
The MARe-SF utilizes a silicone adhesive to accommodate patients with sensitive or fragile skin such as premature infants. However, this multi-site attachment ring can be utilized on any type of patient who might benefit from a gentler attachment solution – adults, children, and neonates alike.
Ear Clip for transcutaneous CO2 monitoring
The EC-MI is an attachment solution designed as a clip for the earlobe. Ear clips can be utilized on any patient with earlobes large enough for adequate sensor application such as adults and some pediatric patients.
Accessories for Transcutaneous CO2 Monitoring
Sentec offers additional products to support infection control (Single Dose Contact Gel, GEL-SD) as well as adhesion in challenging patient motion or humidity conditions (Staysite™ Adhesive, SA-MAR).
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