IPV® Therapy at home
Trusted treatments for airway clearance in a home environment.
The Impulsator is specifically designed for convenient use in home care and outpatient clinics, enabling patients to benefit from ongoing airway clearance therapy and lung rehabilitation in a comfortable environment with IPV Therapy at home.

Patient Perspective
Stella’s IPV® Story
For many with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), including 16-year-old Stella Turnbull, effective airway clearance therapy is crucial, as even simple respiratory illnesses can become dangerous. Diagnosed with SMA shortly after birth, Stella relies on intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) therapy as a key part of her daily routine. By offering a proactive approach to her at-home respiratory care, IPV therapy empowers Stella and her family to embrace an active and fulfilling lifestyle with confidence.
The Impulsator®
The Impulsator® is specifically designed for convenient use in home care and outpatient clinics, enabling patients to benefit from ongoing airway clearance therapy and lung rehabilitation in a comfortable environment.